Archive for the ‘National Issues’ Category
Hillary Clinton: “These women can win—but not without your help”

This morning, Hillary Clinton sent an email supporting Democrats in the home stretch of campaigns across the country. Read it below:
We have so many reasons to be hopeful this November.
Democrats across our country are fighting for hard-working American families to have a fair shot at the American dream.
Strong Democratic women like Alison Lundergan Grimes, Michelle Nunn, and Natalie Tennant give me hope. They’re running to join great leaders like Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, and Jeanne Shaheen in the United States Senate, where they will stand up for our values and our future.
I take hope from all our terrific Democratic women running for governor, including Mary Burke, Martha Coakley, Wendy Davis, Maggie Hassan, and Gina Raimondo. You can count on them to always put our families first.
These women can win — but not without your help. Chip in $3 or more to help end the gridlock, and get back to common sense and common ground.
With your help, we’ll keep building an organization that can go door-to-door and have meaningful conversations with voters about the issues that matter most to them. We can cut through the fog of negative ads on TV in Kentucky, North Carolina, or Iowa. We can bring our message and our values to the American people. And remember: When Democrats show up, we win — and America wins.
We can do this. But we all need to step up and do it together. Will you join me?
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton: “These women can win—but not without your help”

This morning, Hillary Clinton sent an email supporting Democrats in the home stretch of campaigns across the country. Read it below:
We have so many reasons to be hopeful this November.
Democrats across our country are fighting for hard-working American families to have a fair shot at the American dream.
Strong Democratic women like Alison Lundergan Grimes, Michelle Nunn, and Natalie Tennant give me hope. They’re running to join great leaders like Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, and Jeanne Shaheen in the United States Senate, where they will stand up for our values and our future.
I take hope from all our terrific Democratic women running for governor, including Mary Burke, Martha Coakley, Wendy Davis, Maggie Hassan, and Gina Raimondo. You can count on them to always put our families first.
These women can win — but not without your help. Chip in $3 or more to help end the gridlock, and get back to common sense and common ground.
With your help, we’ll keep building an organization that can go door-to-door and have meaningful conversations with voters about the issues that matter most to them. We can cut through the fog of negative ads on TV in Kentucky, North Carolina, or Iowa. We can bring our message and our values to the American people. And remember: When Democrats show up, we win — and America wins.
We can do this. But we all need to step up and do it together. Will you join me?
Hillary Clinton
DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Statement on Texas and Wisconsin Voting Decisions

Washington, DC – In response to decisions by courts to strike down photo ID laws in Texas and Wisconsin, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement:
“With less than ten days before early voting starts in T…
DNC/RNC Statement on FEC Convention Funding Decision

Washington, DC – The Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee today released the following statement after the Federal Election Commission agreed the party committees may establish convention committees that can raise fed…
Bill Clinton: “What you’re seeing from our opponents right now is unprecedented”

With less than one month until election day, President Bill Clinton emailed Democrats yesterday to ask them to do what they can to help elect candidates across the country. Read it here:
Hey there —
There’s an election around the corner, so I’ve been traveling around the country to help Democrats who are standing up for the values you and I believe in.
I’ve been in Kentucky with Alison Lundergan Grimes, in Florida with Charlie Crist, in Iowa with Bruce Braley, in Arkansas with Mark Pryor, and several other states. These folks are real leaders with great ideas about how to expand the middle class and make sure that every American has a fair shot at success. They do us proud.
But their great ideas won’t amount to a hill of beans this November if their message gets drowned out by people like the Koch brothers. Join me, and keep that from happening — chip in $3 or more today to support Democrats.
What you’re seeing from our opponents right now is unprecedented. They’re willing to say just about anything to tear down our candidates, and they’re willing to spend whatever it takes to get traction. And if we don’t step up, it could work.
We’ve got a chance to do something great here in 28 days — but it won’t happen without your help.
Please do what you can to support Democrats today:
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton: “What you’re seeing from our opponents right now is unprecedented”

With less than one month until election day, President Bill Clinton emailed Democrats yesterday to ask them to do what they can to help elect candidates across the country. Read it here:
Hey there —
There’s an election around the corner, so I’ve been traveling around the country to help Democrats who are standing up for the values you and I believe in.
I’ve been in Kentucky with Alison Lundergan Grimes, in Florida with Charlie Crist, in Iowa with Bruce Braley, in Arkansas with Mark Pryor, and several other states. These folks are real leaders with great ideas about how to expand the middle class and make sure that every American has a fair shot at success. They do us proud.
But their great ideas won’t amount to a hill of beans this November if their message gets drowned out by people like the Koch brothers. Join me, and keep that from happening — chip in $3 or more today to support Democrats.
What you’re seeing from our opponents right now is unprecedented. They’re willing to say just about anything to tear down our candidates, and they’re willing to spend whatever it takes to get traction. And if we don’t step up, it could work.
We’ve got a chance to do something great here in 28 days — but it won’t happen without your help.
Please do what you can to support Democrats today:
Bill Clinton
DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Statement on Christie Campaigning in Florida

Washington, DC – DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement today in response to Governor Chris Christie’s trip to Florida to campaign for failed Governor Rick Scott:
“Voters can tell a lot about their leaders by the company they keep and Rick Scott continuing to surround himself with failed Republicans like Chris Christie says a lot about Scott.
“Christie, like Scott, has slashed education funding while giving billions of dollars in tax breaks to corporations and business interests. Scott won’t fight for equal pay for women and Christie vetoed equal pay legislation. Scott said that raising the minimum wage made him ‘cringe’ while Christie vetoed a minimum wage increase.
“Of course, birds of a feather tend to flock together. Scott presided over a company given a $1.7 billion fine – the largest Medicare fraud fine in history at the time. And Christie presided over Bridgegate – allowing a culture to exist in which his own senior staff ordered the closure of three lanes of traffic for four days on the George Washington Bridge – the busiest in the world.
“As a result of their failed policies, both their states’ economies suffer. Florida has the third highest number of workers that earn the minimum wage or less while New Jersey under Christie’s failed leadership, ranks near the bottom in private sector job growth. Florida can do better – and the nation can do better. That’s why next month voters will elect Charlie Crist and Democrats across the country.”
DNC Chair Rep. Wasserman Schultz’s Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality Cases

Washington, DC – Today, the United States Supreme Court declined to take up appeals from five states seeking to prohibit gay marriages. In response, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement:
DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Statement on Eid al-Adha

Washington, DC – DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement marking the celebration of Eid al-Adha:
“As Muslim Americans gather to celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, we extend our best wishes.