Washington, DC— Today, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Philadelphia will host the 2016 Democratic National Convention the week of July 25, 2016. The DNC signed the final contract with Philadelphia this morning.
“I am t…
Washington, DC— Today, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Philadelphia will host the 2016 Democratic National Convention the week of July 25, 2016. The DNC signed the final contract with Philadelphia this morning.
“I am t…
What or who inspired you to get involved in politics?At an early age, I decided I wanted to become involved in politics. In middle and high school, I became involved in student government issues. Growing up, my parents discussed politics at the dinner table. I was interested and subsequently inspired by the stories they shared. Being a husband and father of two has motivated me to enter public service. Because of the values and civic activism my parents instilled in me, I strongly believe if we want to see change in our neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties and states, we must be that change and the impetus of change we want to see.
Why are you a Democrat?
As a fifth generation Floridian, I come from a long line of committed and dedicated Democrats. I became a Democrat because I believe in the party’s principles and its long history of social progression and its opposition to social injustice. I support the party’s core values: its dedication to strengthening families and communities, its advocacy for civil and equal rights for all regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation and the right for all Americans to achieve the American Dream and pursue a meaningful life. Democrats have long been known as the party of reason. We form our opinions based on evidence. Our values are born from compassion and empathy for our fellow citizen-farmers, union workers, minorities, et al. It is our responsibility as a community to ensure that tomorrow’s generation is prepared for the potential problems that they may inherit. Democrats for generations have believed in helping those in need, especially through programs designed to alleviate poverty. It has been our Party’s obligation to leave the world a better place for future generations.
What advice would you give to young people that want to run for public office?
I encourage our youth to seek opportunities for civic participation. I encourage the youth to be engaged in the political process and to require that their family, and friends stay informed on political issues and vote. The greater your participation, the better chance our community will have to thrive in the years to come. Today’s youth are all capable of being productive citizens and great leaders that will make a difference. Our democracy and our voice depend on it. The choices and decision we make in choosing future leaders will impact the opportunities that will be available for tomorrow.
What does Black History Month mean to you?
Black History Month is a time to honor the legacies of women and men of African descent who overcame tremendous adversities to improve the quality of life for people of color in the United States of America. Black History Month is my favorite month of the year. It’s the month where Americans can rededicate ourselves and offers an opportunity to honor the contributions of African-Americans throughout our nation’s history and celebrate how far we have come in the fight for equality and inspire others to pursue their dreams of achievement and excellence.
Who or what inspired you to get involved in politics?
My father. My father immigrated from Bermuda and to my mother’s town in North Carolina, married her, and became a dentist. The White establishment in the town told my father that they w…
Washington, DC – DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement in recognition of Black History Month:
“This February, we celebrate Black History Month. It is an opportunity to recognize the invaluable contrib…
Washington, DC – DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement on the 6th anniversary of President Obama signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law:
“Six years ago today, President Obama made the Lilly Ledb…
Last week was a big one for Democrats, and if you’re feeling as fired up as I am, I hope you’ll show it by becoming an official DNC member for 2015.
Becoming a member is more than just a donation to Democrats. It’s a symbol of your special commitment to the President, our party, and the work that we’re going to do in 2015. It’s an investment not only in the next couple of years, but in the future of the Democratic Party for many elections to come.
Plus, you’ll be able to go to all your friends and family, show off your membership card with pride, and declare, “I am a card-carrying Democrat!” (And trust me, that feels good.)
Chip in $10 or more, and we’ll put your official 2015 DNC membership card in the mail:
Thanks for taking the next step.
Washington, DC – DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz today announced the 2016 Democratic National Convention will be held the week of July 25, 2016. The committee is still in final contract negotiations to choose a host city for the convent…
Washington, DC – DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement recognizing the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade:
“Today is the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, solidifying a woman’s autonomy to make her own decisions regarding her health and family.
“It is with a perverse sense of cruelty that Republicans would choose today for an attempt to chip away at these protections with a bill that would undermine women’s access to safe and affordable healthcare and shows what the GOP’s true priorities are. Time and again, the American people have soundly rejected extreme Republican efforts to insert themselves into health care decisions best left to women, their family, and their doctors.
“Congressional Republicans continue to waste taxpayer time and money by focusing on their outdated, ideological agenda instead of economic policies that will help the middle class. So long as Republicans insist on refighting these battles, Democrats will continue to stand up for women and defend access to health care.”
During tonight’s State of the Union, Barack Obama laid out a vision for an economy that grows from the middle-class out, and makes sure the playing field is level for all Americans – especially young people.
He’s already got a record to be proud of…
And that’s just a few of his accomplishments. Tonight, the President laid out an agenda that will build on that progress – helping make college more accessible and less expensive, by granting two years of free community college to any American willing to work for it. For a generation focused on filling the jobs and creating the businesses of tomorrow, this matters. The President’s continued fight for a level playing field for America’s young people is making a difference for the millennial generation, which is likely what’s contributing to his 60% approval rating with Americans under 40.
Meanwhile, the Republicans trotted out Joni Ernst, a Senator who would cut would cut Pell Grants and privatize student loans, while raking in donations from big banks. It’s no shock, then, that both the student lending industry and for-profit colleges have reason to be excited about the prospect of a GOP Congress. While the President and Democrats are focused on helping the middle class and young people get ahead, the Republican party is focused on helping the billionaires and big banks that bankroll their campaigns.
Put simply: Middle class economics is the right path for our generation. The GOP’s broken, trickle-down policies are a failed product of a generation gone by.
Given the important agenda the Administration is laying out for America’s young people, College Democrats President Natasha McKenzie released the following statement:
The proposals President Obama laid out tonight are game-changers for America’s young people. We share his vision for an economy that works for everyone—not just the well-heeled and well-off that have political influence. All we’re asking for is a chance to have meaningful careers and make a difference, and to know that rules aren’t stacked against us. The President’s middle-class economics help to level the playing field so all young people can get ahead. The old, broken, trickle down experiment has failed young people for decades, and we look forward to fighting with the President for a future that gives everyone a chance to succeed.