Archive for the ‘News’ Category

State Caucus Hosting Summer Membership Meeting in Melbourne

The Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus is pleased to announce plans for the upcoming Summer Membership Meeting and Conference, held July 18 – 20, 2014, in Melbourne, Florida!  The membership meeting will include general Caucus business as well as discussion and voting on proposed bylaws amendments.  As always, there is no cost to attend the membership […]

Congratulations to Newly Appointed Board Members

Following June’s annual membership meeting, Tim Frizzell has stepped up to serve as Vice-President of the Caucus.  Tim has previously served as Treasurer and was instrumental in hosting our 2011 family law seminar!Additionally, Josh Willoughby has been appointed to serve as Chair of the Campaign and Communications Committee.  Josh also serves the local LGBT community […]

July Membership Social

Grab a drink with members of the Capital City GLBTA Democratic Caucus at Krewe de Gras Midtown Tavern on Monday, July 14th at 6:30pm.  We’ll be hearing from Commissioner Andrew Gillum, candidate for Mayor of Tallahassee!  We’ll also be honoring the great work of our former Vice-President, Michelle Comingore!Monday, July 14th, 2014Krewe de Gras Midtown […]

Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus Condemns Homophobic Remarks by Attorney General Pam Bondi

This morning, Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus President Sally Phillips released the following statement in response to recent remarks made by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi: “The Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus condemns the homophobic comments made this week by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Her claim that disrupting existing marriage laws “would cause significant harm” is […]

As the Legislature winds down…we’re getting fired up!

“For the Florida Legislature, this is the spring of playing it safe….they will leave Tallahassee having ignored the biggest challenges.”– Tampa Bay Times That’s no joke…as the Florida Legislature winds down their work in Tallahassee, the business of Florida’s families remains unfinished.  We’re turning the Legislature’s “inaction” in to action and we’re fired up for victory […]

FREE SCREENING: “Inequality for All” Watch Party

Join the Capital City GLBTA Democratic Caucus as we watch Robert Reich’s award-winning film, “Inequality for All” at this free Watch Party! This is one of many Watch Parties happening in communities across America. Secretary Reich will also join us for a special conference call to change the conversation on income inequality beginning at 9pm. […]

Executive Board Vacancies

The Capital City GLBTA Democratic Caucus is currently seeking energized and qualified candidates to fill the roles of Campaign & Communications Chair and Membership Chair on the organization’s executive board.  Our goal is to build a strong and diverse membership that represents every facet of the GLBT and supportive community while supporting pro-equality, Democratic candidates. […]

State Caucus Winter Membership Meeting & Special Membership Meeting Notice

From the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus In conjunction with Equality Florida Lobby Days held in March, 2014 in Tallahassee, the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus will hold a Special Membership Meeting to conduct the necessary business of the Caucus. The convergence of our Special Membership Meeting with Lobby Days creates an opportunity to cooperate and expand the influence […]

State Caucus President Visits Tallahassee

Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus President Sally Phillips spoke to members of the Capital City GLBTA Democratic Caucus at their September general membership meeting in Tallahassee on September 29, 2013. Phillips provided a general overview of the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus and explained the importance of electing pro-equality candidates across the state.  She highlighted key races […]

Campaign & Communications Chair Vacancy

The Capital City GLBTA Democratic Caucus currently has a vacant board position for Campaign & Communications Committee Chair.  Our goal is to build a strong and diverse membership that represents every facet of the GLBT and supportive community while supporting pro-equality, Democratic candidates. The committee chair shall report to the organization on the status of […]

A Chartered Chapter of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus