Congratulations to Newly Appointed Board Members

Following June’s annual membership meeting, Tim Frizzell has stepped up to serve as Vice-President of the Caucus.  Tim has previously served as Treasurer and was instrumental in hosting our 2011 family law seminar!

Additionally, Josh Willoughby has been appointed to serve as Chair of the Campaign and Communications Committee.  Josh also serves the local LGBT community as Chair of Tallahassee PRIDEFEST and is an experienced social media expert and web developer.

We are currently recruiting leaders to fill the following roles:

  • Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair
  • Program Committee Chair
  • Membership Committee Chair

If you’re interested in serving in any of these important roles, please contact Caucus President Andy Janecek at  With a busy election season ahead of us, it’s important that we have as many diverse hands on deck as possible!

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A Chartered Chapter of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus