“During the 2012 elections, Republicans made restricting women’s access to health care one of their top agenda items, and the American people soundly rejected it. Then again in November, 2013, their extreme women’s health platforms were front and center and they lost, with massive gender gaps. These issues have been argued, for decades, and the American people have made their voices heard.
”Last year, the GOP said they needed to reach out to women, but instead they’ve decided their plan is to spend more time fighting to restrict the rights of women to make their own health care choices.
”Today, on the 41st anniversary of Roe v Wade, Republicans will introduce a resolution urging their candidates to double down on these positions, and they already delayed their meeting so that RNC Chairman Priebus could rally against women’s rights – this is not what the American people are looking for.
”There are so many pressing issues facing our country that deserve our attention. But still, the GOP places blocking women’s access to health care at the top of their agenda, insisting we continue to spend time, and taxpayer dollars, refighting these battles. As long as Republicans throw obstacles in their way, Democrats will continue to stand up for women and protect access to health care.”