Washington, DC – In response to Senator Rand Paul’s announcement that he will run for president in 2016, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement:
“Rand Paul says he wants to unleash the American Dream but the only thing a Paul presidential candidacy unleashes is a massive lurch backwards to failed policies and narrow-minded extremism. He says he’s something different, but when you take a look, he’s the same as any other Republican presidential hopeful: good for the wealthiest few and bad for the middle class, and taking positions that are way outside the mainstream on issue after issue.
This is a classic example of a GOP presidential candidate thinking he can talk his way into our communities while turning his back on us when it comes to his policy prescriptions. Not only is Rand Paul not going to make the GOP’s tent any bigger, the tent actually collapses under the weight of his harmful policies. How can Rand Paul seek to broaden Republicans’ appeal when he has voiced opposition to the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, opposed comprehensive immigration reform, written a budget slashing Pell Grants, belittled LGBT rights, and introduced bills to take women’s health care decisions out of their hands?
“On issue after issue his policies are the same as the rest of the GOP, but even more extreme, and will turn back the clock on the progress we have made. That sounds like the same old Republican Party to me and it will to voters as well, who want a president who will fight to help them climb the ladder of opportunity.”