Michelle Obama: “Six things I like about you”

Today, First Lady Michelle Obama sent an email to Democrats thanking them for everything they do to support Democratic candidates. Here’s what she wrote:

I know you've heard me say this before, but I don't think anyone can hear it enough: I'm so grateful to you for your support, and I'm so proud of everything that we've accomplished together. At the end of the day, I think you're great — and here's why:

  1. You're committed. If you've posted on Facebook about these elections or talked to a friend — you've done more for this election than your vote alone.
  2. You care about the future. These elections are about the country and world we want to leave for our kids and grandkids. You get that.
  3. You're smart. Smart people are tuned in to these elections because they know how much ground we can gain.
  4. You like Barack. I think he's pretty cool, too.
  5. You are standing by your convictions. Each time you chip in that extra $5 or $10, you are putting your name and your hard-earned money behind Barack and Democrats. It makes me so proud — and so grateful.
  6. You've got a lot of friends. With hundreds of thousands of Democrats across the country coming together to elect leaders who share our values, I think you're in good company!

I hope this makes your day, and I hope you'll think about chipping in that $3 before it's too late:


A lot of good candidates are counting on you.

Thanks so much,


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