LGBTQ+ Democrats React to Cruel Trump Administration Attack on Transgender Americans


FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – In its typical Friday night news dump of heartless policy decisions, the Trump Administration announced a finalized HHS rule that is eliminating protections for Transgender Americans under the Affordable Care Act.

Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus President Stephen Gaskill issued the following statement on the rule change:

“During Pride Month and on Pulse Remembrance Day, while in the middle of a global pandemic, this is cruel and despicable even by the Trump Administration’s standards. They are deliberately weakening protections and attacking Transgender Americans in a disgusting attempt to shore up conservative Christian support for Trump’s faltering reelection campaign. The LGBTQ+ community will be working tirelessly to turn out equality voters and defeat hate in November.”

Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus Legislative Director Nathan Bruemmer reacted to the rule change:

“This administration’s attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, especially Transgender Americans, seems to have no end. Discrimination in healthcare is never acceptable. Congress must act. Our voices must be heard. Healthcare providers and insurance companies can do the right thing. And if not, they can be held accountable. We must all call out discrimination and hatred wherever we see it. And we must vote. So many lives are depending on it.”

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Caucus Statement on Pulse Remembrance


ORLANDO, FL — Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus President Stephen Gaskill issued the following statement regarding remembrance of Pulse:

“The massacre of our LGBTQ+ family four years ago brought worldwide attention to the pervasiveness of guns in America and the hatred that fuels violence against communities of color. We still mourn for the 49 individuals who lost their lives at Pulse. Time hasn’t healed those wounds, nor let us forget them. The inescapable fact is that bigotry and racism are the underlying causes of those murders and countless others on our streets and across our country. We must commit to real change and action to end systemic racism, homophobia, and transphobia to achieve full equality. Voting is one way to make real change. That’s how we’ll honor those lost at Pulse, and those lost everyday in lesser known tragedies.”

Virtual Candidate Forum – Leon County Sheriff

Capital Equality is proud to partner with the Leon County Democratic Party and local Democratic clubs and caucuses to host a summer series of Virtual Candidate Forums every Saturday afternoon through August 25th! These virtual events will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the Democrats hoping to secure your vote!

The second candidate forum will feature Leon County Sheriff candidates Walter McNeil and Tommy Mills this Saturday, June 13th, beginning at 1pm. There are two ways to join: you can watch via Facebook Live at the Leon County Democratic Party’s Facebook page, or use the Zoom link below to register.

Virtual Candidate Forum Information

LGBTQ+ Democrats Thank Jacksonville for Passing HRO


JACKSONVILLE, FL – Today the Jacksonville City Council passed an ordinance that reinstates protections for LGBTQ residents in employment, housing, and public accommodations. The legislation passed on a 15-4 vote.

Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus President Stephen Gaskill issued the following statement on the ordinance passing:

“The Jacksonville City Council reaffirmed the principle that every resident should be treated equally and with respect, regardless of who they are or who they love. Without state or federal protections in place, local laws like the one passed today are critical. Jacksonville’s vibrant LGBTQ community can now go about their daily lives without fear of discrimination. We thank the Council for supporting equality.”

Jacksonville resident and Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus Communications Director Phil Perry reacted to the news:

“No one should ever be fired from their job or denied housing because of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. I’m grateful the City Council said yes to equality and no to discrimination. As we observe Pride Month, let’s also celebrate that Jacksonville is a welcoming community.”

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Virtual Candidate Forum – Leon County Public Defender

Capital Equality is proud to partner with the Leon County Democratic Party and local Democratic clubs and caucuses to host a summer series of Virtual Candidate Forums every Saturday afternoon through August 25th! These virtual events will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the Democrats hoping to secure your vote!

The first candidate forum will feature Leon County Public Defender candidates Andy Thomas and Jessica Yeary this Saturday, June 6th, beginning at 1pm. There are two ways to join: you can watch via Facebook Live at the Leon County Democratic Party’s Facebook page, or use the Zoom link and information provided at the link below.

Virtual Candidate Forum Information

Florida LGBTQ+ Democrats Endorse Joe Biden


DELRAY BEACH, FL – Today the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus is announcing its next endorsement for the 2020 election. In March, a survey of LGBTQ+ Democratic activists at the Caucus’ 2020 Winter Conference found 84% support for Joe Biden. And after a comprehensive review process, the Caucus membership voted to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States.

Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus President Stephen Gaskill issued the following statement on the Caucus’ endorsement:

“Joe Biden will be the most pro-LGBTQ+ President in history. In the middle of a global pandemic, with historic levels of unemployment, and as our country tries to repair centuries of institutional and systemic racism, Joe Biden is the compassionate and experienced leader we need to heal and pull through these crises.

“President Trump and his Administration have repeatedly attacked the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. Our community can’t afford four more years of taking steps backward in our fight for full equality. Our Caucus is excited to endorse Joe Biden because he knows that equality for every American is a fundamental principle of our country.”

Susan McGrath, Campaign Director of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus, noted the impact on legislative goals:

“With so much at stake for our most vulnerable, including the LGBTQ+ community, we must work tirelessly to elect Joe Biden. To pass the Equality Act and ensure the right to employment, housing, and public accommodations regardless of who you are or who you love, we need Joe Biden in the White House. To restore the soul of our country and ensure equality for every American, we need Joe Biden in the White House. LGBTQ+ Democrats in Florida are ready to do all we can to elect him.”

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Caucus Webinar with HRC: Engaging Equality Voters & Supporting Equality Candidates

Did you miss our Pride Month kick off? Watch a replay of our discussion on finding and engaging Equality Voters, and supporting equality candidates across Florida with Ryan Wilson, Associate Regional Field Director of the Human Rights Campaign.

LGBTQ+ Democrats on Pride Month


DELRAY BEACH, FL — Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus President Stephen Gaskill issued the following statement regarding Pride Month:

“It is unfortunate that all Americans have not achieved equality. The LGBTQ community has been on the path to equality since the Stonewall Riots in June 1969. We’ve made great progress but still have much more work to do. During that same time, Black Americans have also been fighting for their equality, and the events of the past week are a painful reminder that people of color face discrimination that can have deadly consequences. We can’t forget that we are in this together, and that the Stonewall uprising was sparked by Marsha P. Johnson, a black trans woman.

“As we grapple with the losses of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and countless others, we must redouble our efforts to end racial injustice once and for all. We won’t achieve equality until everyone is treated equally. The Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus stands with those in the fight for equality – a fundamental principle of our country.”

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LGBTQ+ Democrats on Communities Protesting George Floyd’s Murder


DELRAY BEACH, FL — Over the past few days and into the weekend, communities across the country are expressing their outrage over the tragic murder of George Floyd. The Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus released the following statement:

“The fires of violence taking place right now is a direct result of centuries of injustice against people of color in the United States. This time the spark was the murder of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement. This tragic incident was broadcast live to a global audience who was stunned at what they were seeing. George Floyd’s death is, sadly, just the latest in a seemingly never-ending series of instances in which Black people are denied their right to live freely. This isn’t new, it’s just being filmed. As we struggle with our grief, it is compounded by the loss of Tony McDade. We call for a full investigation into his shooting death at the hands of police in Tallahassee, Florida. Equality for all Americans is a fundamental principle of our country, and yet we are continually fighting that battle. The Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus stands in solidarity with those seeking justice, equality, and the right to exist peacefully in America.”

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LGBTQ Democrats on the Death of Larry Kramer


DELRAY BEACH, FL — Legendary author and LGBTQ activist Larry Kramer died this morning of pneumonia at the age of 84. The Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus released the following statement on his passing:

“The LGBTQ Community lost one of our fiercest activists and advocates, Larry Kramer. Larry will always be remembered for his battle to end HIV and AIDS, a fight he fought till his death.

“Larry Kramer founded the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) which was the first HIV/AIDS service organization. After leaving GMHC, he started Act Up (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power), which can be credited with saving the lives of tens of thousands with an in-your-face strategy of activism. He was a man who loved and cared for his community like no other and his memory will live on forever.”

Nicholas Coppola, Regional Director of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus and Vice President of the Rusty Gordon LGBTQ Democratic Caucus of Palm Beach, is a former board member of Gay Men’s Health Crisis.

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A Chartered Chapter of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus